New for 2024
Breath-Body-Mind™ (BBM) Fundamentals Online Course tailored for your organizations, frontline staff and communities.
During this course you will learn evidence-based, breath-centered mind-body techniques that have been shown to relieve stress and improve mood, mental focus, and performance.
The practices are designed to activate mind-body communication pathways, raise energy, regulate mood, enhance performance, reduce inflammation, and help dissolve pain.
Through movement, breathing, and relaxation techniques, you will learn to:
Increase your stress resilience and renew your energy
Reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia
Increase lung capacity, oxygenation, and cardio-respiratory health
Connect to your inner self and others
Improve relationships and empathic abilities
Improve performance in personal and professional activities
Led by Mandy and other Senior BBM teachers with presentations from BBM founders Richard P. Brown, MD, and Patricia Gerbarg, MD, authors of the Healing Power of the Breath. This book is highly recommended reading to support your understanding of the practices, theory, and benefits.
You will receive the official BBM introductory course manual, and access to six weekly BBM classes with Mandy.
*This course fulfills the prerequisite requirement for participation in the BBM Instructor Training Level-1 Course.